Sunday, April 26, 2009

God is. Love.

God is, was, will be... love.

At church today, I was struck with that oh-so-common quote: "God is Love." I don't know why...but is there more to this?

His love...must be something foreign to us. But not completely. We see broken pieces of it everywhere. A glass that has been shattered all over the floor. The loving-kindness of a friend, the forgiveness of a father, the gentle embrace of a beloved, the patience of a mentor... but pieces they remain. Moments in time. Individual points. Everyone fails in love.

Love is something that has been so distorted by the ambitions and sentiments of capitalism, by the won-ton carelessness of "the media," it is something to be profited from. It is something to be purchased. Something to be hedged, to be taken, to make a statement with, to fall into. We're taught this from a young age. It's no wonder we struggle with finding what is real in relationship because we're so far from real it becomes hard to discern from the distance. How has this impacted our dynamic with God? Our perception of Him? Our expectations? If He is love, how has our understanding of Him been distorted?

Hang on that for a minute...selah I believe is the word. Each of us has been affected differently by our respective cultures. Clearly this distortion will be different for each of us...


Another matter came to my mind aswell this morning, and it is of this void I hear so much of. This "hole": we try to fill with everything but God. What is this a metaphor for exactly? A need for intimacy? A need to be part of something larger? I've never felt this hole, except a desire for human intimacy...a desire for my works to be of merit. To be contributing to something greater. But these feelings are coming from a heart that has already been "saved," so where's the difference?

Is it that my void has an outlet, someplace to be anchored in? I never seem too lost in the woods...and at least I know I have a purpose, without even having to try. No searching required, only trust.

Perhaps there's a different reason entirely why money and greed don't satisfy the soul...

My musings for a busy Sunday are thus concluded. For now.


  1. Thats good man. I think if America got your message and meditated on that, America's heart would be healed. Its hard to understand the slow fade of what real love is. I admit that I have accepted some of societies restrictions and ideas on love and it is depraved. I have horrible times of sorrow as I see the children of America and the World give themselves over to this depravity.

  2. Lets show the World this love my friend.

  3. Is filling the 'hole' really pleasing to Him?
    Consider that we are all like Swiss cheese, ie many holes. If I look at the 'hole' representing satisfaction from a hobby, for instance. I can plug the hole by building a plastic model of an airplane, or I can use my skill and enjoyment of the craft to teach another(expression of Love) and in so doing I do not fill the hole but allow the hole to be a conduit for His love to another, and by doing that I am gratified, fullfilled and so is the one to whom I teach the skill. So I propose that we all have many 'holes' and by allowing Gods Love to flow through them we become 'Whole". Hole-ness is Whole-ness.
