Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In the Meanwhile

The mind is truly remarkable in capability. It's hard to fully grasp the majesty of complex biology going on right behind the eyes that let me see, that let me know that I see. That allow me to respond to what I know that I see.

God has given us a mind to know know Him, of course, but to know other things too.

This week has been one filled with many...other things. That is, of course, a freedom we have pre-packaged with our free-will. That's the amazing part of His grace and generosity, that He would allow us the capacity to ignore Him. He gifted each of us with the capability to forget, the intellectual choice to think outside of Him.To let slip slowly from our active mind as innocuously as a bead of sweat or change from a torn pocket; the wonder of Christ. The reality of Him. Our place in the midst of it all, momentarily lost in the meanwhile.

And so He waits patiently for our return, because He knows that we will, or will not. There is no frustration, only love and incomprehensible understanding of us.

He is waiting for me.

and I am too busy...

In the meanwhile, I have forgotten...

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